
sustainable menstruation

Source: PriystnCups

The Basics of Sustainable Menstrual Products in India

The Basics of Sustainable Menstrual Products in India Arshia Bathla writes, I’ve been blind to the reality of menstrual waste and the alternatives available to me. As Rega Jha points out in this enlightening Buzzfeed video, typically, pads are what are introduced to most of us after our first period and we carry on with the same […]

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Sustainable Menstruation: What, Why and How

Sustainable Menstruation: What, Why and How By Tanisha Saxena The webinar “Sustainable Menstruation : What, Why and How” held by Sanjina Gupta,founder of Rangeen Khidki, on 22nd of April was an extremely informative session with accurate facts and a wonderful host.  It started with covering the basics of menstruation such as the definition, cycle, various phases and menstruation products.

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