
sexual health

Benevolent Sexism

Benevolent Sexism Written by- Aadya Gupta and Nandini Shukl The Uglier Side of Sexism Sexism has two sides, the hostile and well recognized, which consists of denying women access to areas deemed ‘important’, and the other (falsely) benevolent, which involves praising their skills in traditionally feminine and undervalued tasks. These two sides combine to form ambivalent […]

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AUD QueerFest

AUD QueerFest From March 5-7, Pratisandhi participated at the Queer fest hosted by the Queer Collective of Ambedkar University, Kashmere Gate, New Delhi.  The fest sprang from the collective belief in the carnivalesque form of building solidarities. It considers queerness as any process that challenges the normative, the dominant, the majority. The fest contextualizes the

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