

Safeguarding Classrooms Project Booklets, Pratisandhi

BTS of Transforming Education: Volunteer Training for “Safeguarding Classrooms”

On 27 July, Pratisandhi’s team of volunteers underwent Educator Training to prepare for our upcoming project – Safeguarding Classrooms. Let us look at what went on behind the scenes to help us promote our message of Gender-Transformative Education across schools!

BTS of Transforming Education: Volunteer Training for “Safeguarding Classrooms” Read More »

School, chalkboard, pad, cup, pad, menstrual hygiene

How Effective Is School Menstrual Hygiene Management?

How Effective Is School Menstrual Hygiene Management? Winkler (2020) puts the discussion about menstruation in the intersection of class, caste, physiology, psychology, and sexuality into the academic collection Beauty in Blood. The range of topics which it brings into its ambit puts it down clearly that the act of making policies for menstrual hygiene management

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