
  • The media often overlooks key aspects of sex, protection, and consent.
  • Teens turn to sketchy forums and unverified YouTube videos, putting them at risk.
  • Best advice comes from real conversations and reliable sources.

Rated R for Ridiculous: How the Media Spins the Truth

The media hands you flashy advice wrapped in confidence, but when it unravels, you’re left juggling the mess it leaves behind. When it comes to sex education, the media might look like the expert with all the answers, but spoiler alert—it’s like getting life advice from a rom-com or TikTok trend. Fun? Sure. Accurate? Nope.

1. TV & Movies: Love, Lies, and Plot Holes

Ever seen a steamy romance where characters jump into bed, and everything’s perfect, glamorous, and, oh yeah, consequence-free? Shows like Gossip Girl or movies like The Notebook love skipping the awkward but essential parts of sex—like talking about protection or consent. If Hollywood were your sex-ed teacher, you’d think STIs are mythical creatures, and pregnancies happen only when it’s convenient for the storyline. Reality check? Life’s messier than that Netflix binge session.

2. Porn: The World's Worst Role Model

Porn is the friend who is supposed to have all the answers but takes you only on a tour of the flashy highs. Think of it: do you remember the last time you witnessed a porn film that taught something about communication skills in relationships, or even vaguely resembled mutual respect? Exactly. Most mainstream pornography is as far from reality as a Marvel film—entertainment but not reality. For example, the overused “pizza delivery” plot point has nothing to do with good relationships or, for that matter, pizza. According to the NY Post, one in three kids learns about sex from porn. That’s like learning to drive from Fast & Furious. Cool stunts? Yes. Actual skills? Not so much.

Source: The Slowdown

3. Social Media: TikTok Trends and Twitter Hot Takes

Such goldmines exist for humour and hacks on the platforms of TikTok and Twitter. However, with sex education, misinformation spreads as fast as that viral dance challenge. While some incredible sex-positive influencers exist, there is an ocean of questionable “facts” floating around. Who can forget the weird trend of “vabbing,” which used vaginal fluids as a type of perfume? No? Us neither. Copying random trends does not make it educational; it’s merely a mess.

4. Stereotypes & Representation: Missing Pieces

Let’s talk about representation—or the lack of it. Mainstream media often sidelines queer relationships or reduces them to clichés (Love, Simon being one of the rare exceptions). Meanwhile, women are objectified, men are expected to “perform,” and non-binary identities are almost invisible. This leaves teens searching for relatable content, often ending up on sketchy forums or unverified YouTube videos. As Teen Vogue points out, LGBTQIA+ youth are particularly at risk, with limited access to credible resources.

Source: Feminism in India


So, how do we survive this media-driven mess? Two words: Media Literacy. Ask yourself: Is this show, post, or video based on facts? Why does it make me feel this way? And most importantly, is it trying to sell me something? Pair this with actual, comprehensive sex education (shoutout to teachers who don’t blush at the word “condom”), and you’re golden.

Meanwhile, keep asking and keep learning. Remember, the best advice doesn’t come from a Netflix script or a sketchy DM—it comes from real conversations and reliable sources.

Further readings:


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