An Ode To The Condom
On the occasion of International Condom Day, learn a little more about condoms – where they came from, why you should use them, and how to make the best use of this lifesaver of an invention!
On the occasion of International Condom Day, learn a little more about condoms – where they came from, why you should use them, and how to make the best use of this lifesaver of an invention!
When most advertisements portray condoms as male contraceptive measures, and pills are advertised as the female counterpart – how do we approach contraceptives from a gender-neutral perspective? Read on to find out!
Vasectomy, more commonly known as male sterilization, is a much-neglected topic of discussion in the domain of contraceptive methods. This article goes on to decode its very meaning, bursting myths and blindfolded beliefs around it, exploring its pros, cons and relevance in today’s time.
The article focuses on contraception and its lack of usage. It explains the social, emotional reasons for the stigma. There is discussion around family, gender and exclusion. The article concludes with a holistic perspective with regard to the debate on contraception.
While the possibility of being infected with an STI during oral sex is low, it is not negligible. Some of these cause prolonged health issues or can not be cured. Let’s see the role of contraception during oral sex.
There are around 6% people who are latex-allergic, and for them we’re here with an article to explore the alternatives of latex-condoms.
Condoms for vagina owners are called internal condoms. Read on to know more about them- what they are, how to use and where to find.
Let us take a closer look at the risks and benefits of “the pill”. And how it’s not just about contraception.
There are two types of hormonal birth control pills, let’s check out which is the best option.
The practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is as horrifying as the name suggests and is carried on girls from infancy to late puberty in some regions of the world. Here’s a glance into the issue.