
Pratisandhi Blog

Understanding the prejudice surrounding STIs

STIs carry stigma, causing fear and barriers to testing. Breaking the silence is crucial for mental health. Key facts include: STIs don’t define morality, testing is crucial, and stigma perpetuates infection spread. Education and open conversations reduce societal stigma.

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A Guide on How to Navigate Pregnancy and HIV

It would be difficult to imagine ourselves in the place of someone who gets abandoned by family members and faces discrimination throughout their life, at no fault of their own. The reason being, that they are HIV positive. This is what thousands of children and birth givers have been facing globally, especially where awareness is lacking. This article focuses on the prevalence of HIV in pregnant women and infants who are equally at risk.

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The Dallas Buyers Club: Masterclass On Breaking Boundaries

“Dallas Buyers Club,” a powerful cinematic journey, transcends its narrative to catalyze awareness in sexual and reproductive health. Matthew McConaughey’s portrayal of Ron Woodroof sparks dialogue on HIV, pushing boundaries and challenging stigmas. This blog explores the movie’s profound impact, dissecting its influence on public perception and healthcare advocacy.

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The Perfect List For Your BL Recommendations

Read ahead on this article to get the perfect list for your BL recommendations to get started with the world of BL. There are so many books, so many movies and dramas to watch, and so little time. The perfect time is, therefore, now.

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Adolescents and SRHR: Recent Trends

In the ever-evolving landscape of global health, the past 25 years have witnessed significant transformations in the way society addresses the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of adolescents. A recent supplement in the Journal of Adolescent Health delves into the strides made, the hurdles faced, and the critical areas that demand attention for the decade ahead. This article aims to explore the positive trends, lingering challenges, and the path forward in advancing adolescent SRHR.

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