
Pratisandhi Blog

Why is justice mostly delayed?

Is Justice Biased? It is frustrating, right? The way justice takes so long sometimes (most times)? At school, if you misbehave with a teacher, you’re immediately punished—kicked out of class, parents called.

But in other situations, why does justice take so long to come? To the point where you feel like punching the wall, painting public walls with slogans, and screaming WE NEED JUSTICE on national television…

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Is that a Menstrual Cramp or do you have Dysmenorrhea?

Menstrual cramps are the ordeal of most people with uteri, but when the pains become strong enough to interfere with daily activities, they could be more than the usual pains. Knowing whether you are facing ordinary menstrual cramps or dysmenorrhea, which is intensive, and probably debilitating will be able to help you seek treatment and ways of managing it appropriately. Read on!

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