
Pratisandhi Blog

Pride and Prejudice in STEM: LGBTQIA+ Left Out

Shirley Malcolm, a prominent figure in STEM once said in the 80s:
“ Science and technology are poorer for the loss of any talent because of personal attributes that are irrelevant to ability as scientists and engineers”. Have things changed since then?

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Best Sex Ed Books for Your Reading List This Season

Intimacy has always been closely linked to human emotions – love, lust, desire, loneliness, shame, guilt, fear – the list is endless. On a quest to explore the deeper implications of intimacy within the modern context, we have curated a list of books that attempt to do the same, featuring an Editor’s Pick. Read on!

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Pop Goes The Closet: Representation of LGBTQIA in pop culture

The media is more than a source of amusement. In addition to reflecting on society, it has had greater control over forming larger narratives. Over the years the representation of the LGBTQIA+ community in popular culture has changed in various ways and it has become a tool to represent, validate and acknowledge them

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Is Post-Nut Clarity A Thing?

Right after an orgasm, sometimes you ask yourself: What am I doing here? What did I just do? Why am I wasting my time? Post-nut clarity is a real and natural phenomenon. Here we answer some frequently asked questions about the feeling!

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